Analyzing A Bank’s Financial Statements

bank income statement

This report presents a more clear view of a company’s cash flows than the income statement, which can sometimes present skewed results, especially when accruals are mandated under the accrual basis of accounting. The balance sheet is likely to be ranked third by many users, since it does not reveal the results of operations, and some of the numbers listed in it may be based on historical costs, which renders the report less informative. Nonetheless, the balance sheet is of considerable importance when paired with the income statement, since it reveals the amount of investment needed to support the sales and profits shown on the income statement. Income statement, In accounting, the activity-oriented financial statement issued by businesses.

bank income statement

When the applicant is a closely held company — that is, one that’s not publicly traded on a stock exchange — the bank will require a personal guarantee of the loan from each owner of the company. The bank must have personal financial statements of the owners to complete the guarantee process. Branch-level Income Statements are considered essential month-end reports and are used by corporate executives and branch managers to track revenues, expenses and profitability. Some of the main functionality in this type accounting of report is that it enables the user to run them for any month and any bank branch, including at the consolidated level. The columns compare the current month to the same period last year as well as to the budget, and it calculates the variances. Income statements include revenue, costs of goods sold, andoperating expenses, along with the resulting net income or loss for that period. The balance sheet shows how a company puts its assets to work and how those assets are financed based on the liabilities section.

Interest And Expense On The Income Statement

It is issued for a specific period for a fixed amount of money with a fixed rate of interest. Net Interest IncomeNet Interest Margin is a popular profitability ratio used by banks which helps them determine the success of firms in investing in comparison to the expenses on the same investments. It is calculated as Investment income minus interest expenses divided by the average earning assets. To access these details the bank will conduct additional due diligence, which includes going over the company’s legal filings with local and federal courts, as well as a thorough search of news coverage about the company. A short term creditor would be most interested in the management of the business, reports bookkeeping experts Complete Controller. Loan officers also interview the company’s owners, executives and in some cases low-level employees to better understand the risks. The income statement reveals whether the company provides a premium product with a high profit margin but relatively low volume or pursues a discounted price/high volume strategy.

Banks take indeposits from consumers and businesses and pay interest on some of the accounts. In turn, banks take the deposits and either invest those funds in securities or lend to companies and to consumers. Since banks receive interest on their loans, their profits are derived from the spread between the rate they pay for the deposits and the rate they earn or receive from borrowers. Banks also earn interest income from investing their cash in short-term securities like U.S. For example, if a bank offers a 2.2% savings account but also charges home owners 6% for a home loan, the net interest spread is 3.8%.

In the above table, BofA earned $58.5 billion in interest income from loans and investments while simultaneously paying out $12.9 billion in interest for deposits . The total income earned by the bank is found on the income statement. Banks are in the business of making money through lending and charging interest. While banks charge their customers interest, they also incur interest expenses. A bank’s net interest margin is one of many indicators reflecting the health and stability of the institution.

The nominator and denominator of these ratios include adjustments on items in the financial statements that can only be made with internal information. The most important financial statement for the majority of users is likely to be the income statement, since it reveals the ability of a business to generate a profit. Also, the information listed on the income statement is mostly in relatively current dollars, balance sheet and so represents a reasonable degree of accuracy. However, it does not reveal the amount of assets and liabilities required to generate a profit, and its results do not necessarily equate to the cash flows generated by the business. Also, the accuracy of this document can be suspect when the cash basis of accounting is used. Thus, the income statement, when used by itself, can be somewhat misleading.

Notice that only the interest expense of $60 will be included on the income statement. The savvy stockholder can dig deeper by looking at the debt schedule in a company’s regulatory filings. If you can tell when a certain debt will mature, you can try to predict the interest rates at that time. Then, you can play out what would happen if a company were to refinance its debt at that moment, and how that would affect its bottom line. This is useful information for anyone who invests in this market and who takes a valuation-based approach to their portfolio, since it affects the price they’ll be willing to pay for an ownership stake in these companies. That way, the company can continue to pay the lowest interest rates and hope that inflation will chip away at the value of the actual amount they must return.

Securities are typically short-term investments that the bank earns a yield from that include U.S.

Banks review annual statements covering the last three years, unless the company is new and has no operating history. Banks also require projected financial statements covering the life of the requested loan. The balance sheet shows assets , liabilities and net worth as of a certain date. The income statement shows revenue that comes into the business from operations and other activities, expenses and the resulting net profit or loss for the period of the statement. The cash flow statement shows cash inflows from operations and investment activities and outflows for business activities and investments. The income statement shows a company’s financial performance over a period of time.

Interest Expense

Your interest expenses are the total interest payments your business made to its creditors for the period covered by the income statement. Some companies prefer to mention this type of income as penalty income. It is reported within the interest income account in the general ledger.

The balance sheet, the income statement and the statement of cash flow are all studied carefully by the bank’s loan office to assess the company’s ability to repay the loan. In addition to the capability to honor the payments, the bank also considers the likelihood of loan recovery if the borrower goes into bankruptcy.

But in this case I simplified it a little bit and so they’re the same number. Everything gets an interest rate, you figure out the Interest Income, and interest expense for those. And then you link them and show it on the Income Statement and you factor in these other items like the Provisions for Credit Losses that are coming from other schedules. So here the assumption is that we’re adding $100 in loans, and we expect that we will lose $5 on those loans.

How Does Interest Income Works? Individuals Vs Banks

Learn accounting fundamentals and how to read financial statements with CFI’s free online accounting classes. The top of the income statement is revenue and the bottom is net income. Maturity gap is a measurement of interest rate risk for risk-sensitive assets and liabilities. An interest rate gap measures a firm’s exposure to interest rate risk. In essence, this allowance can be viewed as a pool of capital specifically set aside to absorb estimated loan losses. This allowance should be maintained at a level that is adequate to absorb the estimated amount of probable losses in the institution’s loan portfolio. Changes in interest rates may affect the volume of certain types of banking activities that generate fee-related income.

bank income statement

The results of this equation conclude that this particular bank has a 2.5% net interest margin. It is making more money on its investments than it is losing on its interest expenses, which is good news for investors. A lending institution’s solvency depends on the existence of a buffer of own resources that is sufficient to absorb losses and guarantee the risks assumed in its lending transactions. Thus, the solvency ratio – or capital ratio – allows comparing bank income statement an institution’s resources, which are regulated and defined in effective regulations, and its risk-weighted assets. Profitability in a credit institution is directly related to “time” and “risk”, factors that significantly affect liquidity and solvency. These elements have some peculiarities when applied to a financial institution given the uniqueness of the banking business. For these types of businesses, a rise in interest rates can be a major headwind.


This figure shows how much it costs to borrow money from banks, brokers, and other sources to meet short-term needs, such as working capital, buying property, buying plant equipment or supplies, or bulking up on inventory. Whether you’re running your own business or looking into the workings of others, the income statement is a go-to resource for learning about how a company earns money from interest, and also how a company might be funded.

Small businesses typically start producing income statements when a bank or investor wants to see how profitable their business is. Retained EarningsRetained Earnings are defined as the cumulative earnings earned by the company till the date after adjusting for the distribution of the dividend or the other distributions to the investors of the company. It is shown as the part of owner’s equity in the liability side of the balance sheet of the company. Revenue, also called sales or business income, includes money received for the sale of the bank income statement company’s goods or services. The FDIC is proud to be a pre-eminent source of U.S. banking industry research, including quarterly banking profiles, working papers, and state banking performance data. We went over the meaning and importance of these in the earlier lessons and you’re going to be seeing them again and again throughout this course. But this is just an additional way for you to get some more practice with these, and with working with the financial statements and the other schedules that you’ll typically see for a commercial bank.

If interest rates are rising, banks can charge a higher rate on their variable-rate loans and a higher rate on their new fixed-rate loans. However, the deposit rates don’t typically adjust as much as the long-term rates which are used to price loan rates. As a result, as interest rates rise, banks tend to earn more interest income, but when rates fall, banks are at risk since their interest income declines.

Oecd Banking Statistics

And then we can sum up Total Liabilities & Equity and see that this is also correct. You can go in and test it yourself if you want to see exactly how this works. And then we can sum these up to get our Total Cash Flow from Operations. Now, the Sales and Purchases of AFS Securities and Intangible Assets are going to be $0 or very minimal in most cases. But I’ve set it up like this, because now we can hard code a number for at least one of these. AFS Securities we can link to our beginning number, and then just subtract our ending number right here.

So we’re moving closer now and that’s actually about all we have to do on this. Really the hard part of this is figuring out how to project these items in the first place which we’re not really doing here. Generally, as I said in the preceding lessons, these are going to be linked to the historical loan balance, and the percentages of these items as percentages of that loan balance. It might be linked to what pure companies are doing or something else like that. Cash is cash held on deposit, and sometimes banks hold cash for other banks. BofA has roughly $157 billion in cash which is an important focus for investors that are hoping for the bank to increase its dividend or share buybacks.

Because it is a management judgment, the provision for loan losses can be used to manage a bank’s earnings. Looking at the income statement above, we see that the loan-loss provision ultimately reduced the bank’s net income or profit. It’s vital that banks diversify their revenue streams by earning income from non-interest rate related products to shield them from any negative moves in yields. Income under this category includes bank account and service fees, trust income, loan and mortgage fees, brokerage fees and wealth management services income, and income from trading operations. We can see that BofA’s revenue is well balanced with roughly half of the bank’s revenue coming from fee and service income. Once you obtain the interest income, interest expenses and average earning assets from the bank’s income statement, you are ready to calculate the net interest margin. To do this, subtract the interest expenses from the interest income and then divide that number by the average earning assets.

Bench assumes no liability for actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein. Often shortened to “COGS,” this is how much it cost to produce all of the goods or services you sold to your customers. For Bank of America, the total interest earned for the period was $57.5 billion.

This document will also generate a gross profit figure for your business. A possible candidate for most important financial statement is the statement of cash flows, because it focuses solely on changes in cash inflows and outflows.

  • These items are typically placed in order of liquidity, meaning the assets that can be most easily converted into cash are placed at the top of the list.
  • We’re going to show you from the ground up how to link a commercial bank’s financial statements, starting with those key Balance Sheet assumptions.
  • Here’s an income statement we’ve created for a hypothetical small business—Coffee Roaster Enterprises Inc., a small hobbyist coffee roastery.
  • The total revenue of 3968 for the last quarter is 138.02B, and it’s 0.22% lower compared to the previous quarter.

Therefore, banks with robust balance sheets, i.e., which have the resources to assume unexpected losses, will become more attractive both for investors and savers. Far more common, and often much more important for most types of businesses, is the interest expense on the income statement.

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